Training or coaching individual sales people or small teams of sales people.

A question or comment I hear a lot  is –  why spend lots on money on people who may move on? In todays working market place this happens a lot.

The answer is best summed up by a phrase I heard years ago that still applies. What if you don’t train them and they stay?

Good sales people who can sell are valuable  just like any other employee or resource. However they are the public face of your company. If you aren’t going to bother making sure they are best equipped to sell your business is there anypoint having a sales person or sales team? I am not refering to marketing materials but the selling skills you or your sales people need to sell your products or services.  Email me at and I can send you a profile on the selling I have done, or you can talk to some of the people I have worked with in a consultant role. Then we can discuss how I can help train or coach your sales people to sell your business.